![In rereading the epilogue that I wrote for the first edition of Denmark
and Paludi’sPsychology of Women, I found myself wanting very much
to say again some of what I wrote over a decade ago.
The theoretical and research literature on the psychology of women that
continues to grow and enrich our discipline is a source of great pride....
[W]e have succeeded ... in making mainstream psychology sit up and
take notice. We have raised cogent and sophisticated arguments in our
critiques of traditional psychological assumptions, theories, questions,
topics, and methods.... [Our] feminist agenda ... asks new questions,
proposes new relationships among personal and social variables, focuses
on women’s lives and experiences, is sensitive to the implications of our
research for social policy and social change, and assumes that science is
always done in a cultural/historical/political context. (Lott, 1993, p. 721)
This new Handbook, like the first one, contributes significantly to
the advancement o](https://online.pubhtml5.com/klbe/gnyr/files/shot.jpg)
Psychology of Women Issues and manual cliamb.li
Psychology of Women Issues and manual cliamb.li
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