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Improve Your Skills Writing for IELTS 4.5-6.0 Student's Book with key TUYET NGUYEN


Nursery Art & craft-20210727T051448Z-001 THE MANTHAN SCHOOL


Big Bugs 3 Flashcards - Macmillan English Ahlia School E-Library


comparatives_superlatives Ton Kao

ou are commanded to produce … any and all documents, 
data, and/or communications.” Towards the end of last year, 
those orders appeared in a subpoena that landed at the Woods 
Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts. The energy firm BP 
demanded that Woods Hole produce e-mails and other documents 
related to its research on the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the 
Gulf of Mexico. Woods Hole fought the sweeping request, but a US 
district court has now forced researchers at the institute to surrender 
thousands of e-mails. That decision has disturbing implications for 
science in the United States, although the situation is perhaps not as 
dire as some have warned.
The demand for the e-mails emerged from a huge lawsuit, in which 
BP is being sued by the US government and others affected by the oil 
spill. As part of that suit, the company faces fines of up to US$4,300 
per barrel of oil spilled, which could amount to more than $17 billion 
if the court sides with governme

[Journal Nature] Nature -.. June.14.2012

[Journal Nature] Nature -.. August.2.2012  Unfortunate oversight
Scientists must remember that however irrelevant their involvement in industry might seem 
to them, others will see it differently — only full disclosure will avert the taint of scandal.H
ydraulic fracturing, or ‘fracking’, a technology that revolutionized the natural-gas industry, has been surrounded by controversy in recent years. So, when environmental experts at the 
University of Texas at Austin produced a report in February that gave 
the technique a fairly clean bill of health, they received widespread 
news coverage, including in the pages of Nature (see Nature 482, 445; 
2012). The study was billed as an independent analysis. Yet last week it 
emerged that its lead author is a well-paid board member of an energy 
company that is actively involved in fracking.

[Journal Nature] Nature -.. August.2.2012


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TUYET NGUYEN, total 38 publications, featured content Improve Your Skills Writing for IELTS 4.5-6.0 Student's Book with key
THE MANTHAN SCHOOL, total 4193 publications, featured content Nursery Art & craft-20210727T051448Z-001
Ahlia School E-Library, total 854 publications, featured content Big Bugs 3 Flashcards - Macmillan English
Ton Kao, total 5 publications, featured content comparatives_superlatives, total 25 publications, featured content [Journal Nature] Nature -.. June.14.2012

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