CU-MA-Eng-SEM-IV-Women’s Writing Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU-MA-Eng-SEM-IV-Literary Theory II Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU-MA-PSY-SEM-IV-Psychology of Disaster Management -Second draft Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU-MA-PSY-SEM-IV-Organizational Change and Development -Second draft Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU-MCOM-SEM-IV-Merger and Acquisition-Second Draft Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU-MCOM-SEM-IV-Company Accounts & Audit Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU-MCOM-SEM-IV-Capital Market and Financial Services Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU-MCOM-SEM-IV-Strategic Cost Management-Second Draft Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU-BCA-SEM-IV-Internet Programming Practical -Second draft Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU-BCA-SEM-IV-Computer Graphics Practical -Second draft Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU-BSC.TTM-SEM-IV-Travel Documentation and Formalities-Second Draft Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU-BSC.TTM-SEM-IV-Tourism policy & Planning-Second Draft Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU-BSC.TTM-SEM-IV-Digital Marketing-Second Draft Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU-BSC.TTM-SEM-IV-B2B Marketing-Second Draft Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU-BSC.TTM-SEM-IV-Automation in aviation and tourism Sector-Second Draft Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU-BCOM-SEM IV-Corporate Governance-Second draft Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU-BCOM-SEM-IV-Working Capital Management- Second draft Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU-BBA-SEM-IV-Commercial And Company Law-Second Draft Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU-BBA-SEM-IV-Commercial And Company Law-Second Draft Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU-BBA-SEM-V-Digital Marketing Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU-BBA-SEM-IV-Treasury Management Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU-BBA-SEM-IV-Treasury Management Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU-BA-Eng-SEM-IV-Economics-IV Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU UG Common -GENDER EQUITY AND WOMEN EMPOWERMENT - Second Draft Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU-BA-Eng-SEM-IV-English-IV Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU-BA-Eng-SEM-IV-English literature-IV Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU-MCA-SEM-VI-Advanced mobile application development Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

CU-MCA-SEM-VI-Advanced mobile application development Teamlease Edtech Ltd Amita Chitroda

Get Your Child The Skills They Need To Succeed With This Organization’s Program francis

CN 34 Learning Outcome I Have A Story To Tell Kristiana Louraine Macasa

Casumlong, Herrera - Learning Outcome steph.casumlong

Villanueva, Dublas, Hassan, Urbano Aristotle Learning Outcome Laurence Villanueva

CN 1 & 17 Learning OutcomeI Have A Story To Tell 1 Ballistic Whitty

CN11 Learning Outcome I have a story to tell Mackein Ernest Ilan

CN11 Learning Outcome I have a story to tell Mackein Ernest Ilan

CN11 Learning Outcome I have a story to tell-converted-compressed Mackein Ernest Ilan

Ugaddan, Clark Matthew- Week 5- Learning Task 11 1 Ugaddan, Clark Matthew