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Welcome to Issue 23 of The MagPi magazine.
It’s party time here at The MagPi towers, celebrating our sec ond birthday! To mark this milestone, The
MagPi is pleased to provide another massive chance to get your hands on some fantastic Raspberry Pi
goodies, with over £2000 worth of tasty treats for our readers to win! Thank you to all our sponsors who
have kindly given towards this massive collection of prizes. See pages 1 8-1 9 for more information.
This month you’ll find us in the club with Sonic Pi. The MagPi has an exclusive of Samuel Aaron's
brand new release of Sonic Pi v2.0 and how it is aiding build th e underground music movement of Live
Coding. Samuel describes what is new to v2.0 along with some basics to get you up and mixing in no
Jacob Marsh from ModMyPi is back with another great tutorial on physical computing, this month
describing how to use 1 -Wire temperature sensors. We look at how to build your own XMPP chat
server in Gianluca’s Chat Room article, then Bernhard

Raspberry pie magazine MagPi Section 23 -A Magazi i ne f or Raspberry Pi i Users

Hi i gh Al l ti i tude Measurements
Basi i c Osci i l l l l oscope
Ysgol l Bryn El l i i an
Proj j ect Curacao
Python Turtl l e
Wi i Fi i Sni i ffi i ng
C++ Cl l asses

Raspberry pie magazine MagPi Section 24 Quincy Duivestein

Hi i gh Al l ti i tude Measuri i ng
Real l Worl l d Mi i necraft
Bri i ckPi i and Scratch
XMPP Chat Server
Li i nux Tool l Shed
1-Wi i re Sensors
GrovePi i

Raspberry pie magazine MagPi Section 23 Quincy Duivestein


Chamber newsletter-SUMMER 2019_rev3 manney


Grade 6-12 Weekly newsletter February Issue 3 anjana.s


E – NEWSLETTER sridevi


E-Newsletter ประจำเดือนสิงหาคม - บัตรเซ็นทรัล เดอะวัน เฟิร์สช้อยส์ mktfirstchoice


AGM Newsletter 2022 final mglofcheskie


9.KG2-Newsletter-week 9 saadya.s


Grade 5 weekly newsletter sheejajayagopal

Microsoft Word - NEWSLETTER MAY 2016

Microsoft Word - NEWSLETTER MAY 2016 heinrich


izwelethu April 2018 Proof 2 ryno


Venturing Newsletter Winter 2020 Eduardo Macouzet

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All online flipping magazines about Pie magazine on this page are uploaded by registered publishers such as:, total 15 publications, featured content Raspberry pie magazine MagPi Section 23 -A Magazi i ne f or Raspberry Pi i Users
Quincy Duivestein, total 32 publications, featured content Raspberry pie magazine MagPi Section 24
Quincy Duivestein, total 32 publications, featured content Raspberry pie magazine MagPi Section 23
manney, total 8 publications, featured content Chamber newsletter-SUMMER 2019_rev3
anjana.s, total 43 publications, featured content Grade 6-12 Weekly newsletter February Issue 3

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