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2015 Support a Veterians Day Event

2015 Support a Veterians Day Event rdavidson

Concurrent Session Schedule.091615

Concurrent Session Schedule ablueshort

Discover Downtown St Petersburg - Summer 2015 artmail

Usha Kataria, Sunita Siwach, Dinesh Chhillar. Study of the causes of vaginal discharge among sexually active females in age group of 20-45 years: A hospital based study in B.P.S. Government Medical College for Women, Khanpur Kalan, District Sonipat, Haryana, India. IAIM, 2015; 2(4): 1-4.

Study of the causes of vaginal discharge among sexually active females in age group of 20-45 years: A hospital based study in B.P.S. Government Medical College for Women, Khanpur Kalan, District Sonipat, Haryana, India iaim.editor

Discover Downtown St Petersburg - Spring 2015 artmail

Cassandra T. Savoy boasts a creativity in her work that allows her to find a way to

Cassandra Savoy cassandrasavoy

IAPD Compiled File - First Draft for Review

IAPD Compiled File - First Draft for Review Tara Holcomb

TLI Newsletter Working 3-16-15(1)

TLI Newsletter Working 3-16-151 lgjenere

Aasim Farooq Shah, Manu Batra, Vikram Aggarwal, Subha Soumya Dany, Prashant Rajput, Tushika Bansal. Prevalence of early childhood caries among preschool children of low socioeconomic status in district Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir. IAIM, 2015; 2(3): 8-13.

Prevalence of early childhood caries among preschool children of low socioeconomic status in district Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir iaim.editor

Use of medicinal plants for the prevention and treatment of digestive tract ailments in cattle has originated long back in the history. An attempt was made to list out different successful preparations used by rural traditional healers and farmers to cure the common digestive tract ailments of the domestic cattle, mainly cows and buffaloes. Personal interviews with pre-structured questionnaire, observation of preparation of herbal medicines and their administration, results attained etc. were made to make a preliminary study of the traditional method of treatment. Collection of sample plant species and their identification, refinements of the methods adopted for preparation of these herbal medicines were done with the help of the local people especially the village heads and older persons. A total of 66 plant species of 40 families distributed in 61 genera was recorded. Efficacy of these preparations was examined in the subsequent visits.

Treatment of digestive tract ailments in cattle with herbal folk-medicines: A preliminary study in Ganjam District researchinbiology

Birds are interesting group of animals which are distributed in all major types habitat. Banni is one of the large grassland of India invaded by Prosopis juliflora, an alien plant species. Invasion of this species and some other natural and anthropogenic factor leads the grassland converted into a mixture of heterogeneous habitats. A study was attempted to understand the distribution of birds in this heterogeneous grassland. The habitats were identified based on dominant species of plants. The population estimates of birds were surveyed using line transects method and point count census method.
A total of 91 species were recorded during the survey in the various habitats of this grassland. Among the seven habitats, sparse Prosopis was the most diverse habitat for bird species whereas Prosopis-Capparis was the least diverse habitat for bird species.

Distribution pattern of birds in Banni Grassland of Kachchh district, Gujarat, India researchinbiology - Income tax season is not something we gripe about, it is an opportunity to meet new people and serve their needs. We will expedite the preparation of your income tax return.

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rdavidson, total de 1 publications, contenu présenté 2015 Support a Veterians Day Event
ablueshort, total de 1 publications, contenu présenté Concurrent Session Schedule
artmail, total de 11 publications, contenu présenté Discover Downtown St Petersburg - Summer 2015
iaim.editor, total de 161 publications, contenu présenté Study of the causes of vaginal discharge among sexually active females in age group of 20-45 years: A hospital based study in B.P.S. Government Medical College for Women, Khanpur Kalan, District Sonipat, Haryana, India
artmail, total de 11 publications, contenu présenté Discover Downtown St Petersburg - Spring 2015

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